Paiement spent approximately 2 years on the Fret Series, a study on the structure of a guitar neck fret board and its use in making musical notes. Eventually, over 50 paintings related to this theme emerged. Initially, the series was an exercise in developing a visual interpretation of scales, but the deeper he got into the series, the more abstract the images became with the guitar scales becoming secondary to the paintings themselves. He considers the large (6' X 6') electronic piece with the L.E.D. lights rotating through 8 different scales and modes to be one of his master works.


"Fret Series #15"
(48" x 12")

"Fret Series #19"
(18" x 16")

"Fret Series #9"
(20" x 18")

"Fret Series #48"
(71" x 57")

"Fret Series #14"
(22" x 18")

"Fret Series #69"
(50" x 35")

"Fret Series #5"
(20" x 18")

"Fret Series #42"
(22" x 20")

"Fret Series #67"
(24" x 24")

"Fret Series #47"
(48" x 24)

"Start of Fret Series"
(34" x 24")
